RT Booklovers’ Convention! I’ll be there; will you?

Posted Apr 30 2017, 1:03 pm in , , ,


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Hi! *waves from under a pile of clothing to pack*

I’m packing like crazy for my flight tomorrow. I’ll be in Atlanta by dinner time for my first ever RT Booklovers Convention! (May 2-7th). I’ve alreadys shipped some cool swag and prizes. 

You can find me out and about and I’ll definitely be at these events: 

  • YA Spooky Slumber Party (sporting my favorite book sleep shirt)
  • YA Book-tionary
  • Sourcebooks Spotlight
  • Teen Day FAN-Tastic Party

This is my first time at RT so be gentle with me! I’m super-excited about this trip and can’t wait to meet readers. To make it a bit more fun, I’ve got a little trivia quiz for you. 



1. In Send, what is Dan’s real name? 

  1. Jeff
  2. Liam
  3. Kenny
  4. Brandon

2. In TMI, what is Meg’s favorite past-time? 

  1. Sketching
  2. Painting
  3. Singing
  4. Video-Gaming

3. In Some Boys, who is the first character to tell Grace, “I believe you?”

  1. Her dad
  2. Ian
  3. Khatiri
  4. Kristy

4. In Nothing Left To Burn, who is Tucker? 

  1. Reece’s best friend
  2. Reece’s brother
  3. Reece’s dog
  4. Reece’s lieutenant

5. In Send, whose forgiveness does Dan really need? 

  1. Julie’s 
  2. Liam’s
  3. His grandfather’s
  4. His own













(Answers: 1 C, 2B, 3C, 4C, 5D)


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