Posted Feb 12 2019, 10:21 am in apps, bullying, cyber-bullying, internet safety, parenting, preventing violence, privacy, suicide, technology
Readers, it’s happened again.
Another headline in my local news about a teen committing suicide because he was bullied.
If you’re a parent, are you talking to your kids about bullying? This is NOT a once-and-done conversation. It needs to be ongoing and frequent because the world in which we live sees new technologies every day, new apps that make it easier for kids to target — and be targets of — others.
Look at this link:
I know we struggle about deciding to invade our children’s privacy, but when it’s life or death? No question — I am looking at that phone.
Know who your kids’ friends are. Know who they’re talking to online and how or which apps they’re using to do so. Know their passwords. Consider taking away their phones overnight. Monitor the messages coming in.
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