Chocolate Sunday

Posted Jul 24 2011, 3:28 pm in , , ,

One week down!

*pumps fist*

Last week, I mentioned my plans to practice moderation when it comes to my chocolate consumption. Doctor’s orders… my blood sugar is a bit high and diabetes has struck my parents and my grandparents.

My first week was um… tough. And by tough, I mean like coping with 100-degree heat without air-conditioning in your car.

But I did it.

Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. And Thursday. No chocolate.

Friday, I went to see Harry Potter with my youngest son. He bought me Raisinets.

It’s a funny thing – moderation. It felt an awful lot like eradication. Until Friday.

Friday’s movie-theater indulgence suddenly became the best chocolate I ever had.

Saturday, we went out to dinner with my husband’s parents. The dessert menu featured a chocolate brownie sundae.

I turned it down. HA! I still can’t believe it.

Moderation. Who knew?

Who has any words of wisdom for me to help me stick to my once-a-week plan?  



3 responses to “Chocolate Sunday”

  1. Linda G. says:

    Go, you!

    I’m trying to cut back on sugar in general, too. I’m finding the less I have, the less I want. And when I do allow myself an indulgence, it’s that much sweeter (literally and figuratively).

  2. abby says:

    i actually just did this with coffee, well, decaf coffee. i removed the sugar (for nutrition’s sake) and today, i decided to treat myself by adding a little bit. it was too much! so as both you and linda discovered, the more you moderate your intake, the sweeter (both good and bad) it becomes when added back in…

  3. Awwww, not the chocolate! Oh well, you can do this. Remember, moderation is the key. He didn’t say you had to give it up completely, right??