I am beyond excited to tell you that SOME BOYS has been named a finalist in the Greater Detroit RWA Chapter’s Bookseller’s Best Award AND in the RITA Award.
The awards will be presented the third week in July at separate ceremonies. The RITA award ceremony will be live-streamed on Saturday evening 8 PM (Eastern). Check the website for details. rwa.org.
I hope you’ll watch!
I am so proud and honored to tell you that SOME BOYS has won this year’s Firecracker Award for YA.
The award is presented by the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses.
Hi! If you missed my interview with Shannon Delany, here’s the link to the playback. She asked some wonderful questions!
Yes, you read that right — TMI is a Book Junkies Choice Award Finalist!
*spins around*
Will you vote?
Hope you’ll listen.
TMI, my second book with Sourcebooks Fire expected Fall, 2013, HAS A COVER AND IT’S GORGEOUS!
Tell me what you think. Lie to me if you must :)
Amber Arnett ~ “I started reading this book yesterday and couldn’t put it down....” (More)
slsmitty25 Shannah ~ “What a great book! I was immediately hooked from the get go...” (More)
Kimberly Sabatini ~ “My heart simultaneously breaks and soars for the characters in this book…” (More)
Unfortunately, bullying happens to adults, too. Read my story and others here at the 2012 Authors Against Bullying Campaign.
I’m in this article!!!
On the afternoon of 10/22, I was at Smithtown High School East talking to a journalism class who interviewed me for their school newspaper.
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